Saturday, July 23, 2011

Big Rich Texas

Yesterday, a coworker informed me of a hot new reality show called "Big Rich Texas". I'm not a huge tv watcher but I have always believed in the value of doing good research and this seemed like something I should check out. As luck would have it, the air conditioner at work broke and after a few comments from coworkers about how I need to get used to that kind of heat, we all got sent home. And Big Rich Texas happened to be on that afternoon.

It reminded me a lot of Real Housewives except I found myself being able to relate a bit to the storyline of someone moving from far away and being introduced to southern living for the first time. Of course, that was where the similarities ended. The subjects of the show were very rich and quite a bit older and I'm quite sure not in the same class as we will be down there. But there were a few gems of info that I got out of this research.

"Bless her heart" is apparently not a term of endearment! I found this especially important to learn. In context, "Mary Lou was wearing the brightest pink polkadot shirt with her leopard print stretchpants, bless her little heart." AKA, "crazy". Also can apparently mean "stupid", "mean", and probably a lot of worst words that I wouldn't write on here.

I also learned that one of the stars owns a consignment store called Uptown Consignment. Bless my heart, I think I want to check it out. I mean, designer clothes sold at extreme discounted prices? I'm going to miss the sample sales at Macy's and the hand me down clothes from my friends, maybe this will be the replacement. Well, that and the outlet malls that we already visited on our one visit to Texas. :-)

There was a great quote in the show too, obviously quoted from someone else, but I really liked it. "There's never a testimony without a test." Thought that rings all too true for me now with the challenges laying before me.

The ending credits were quite ironically cut dramatically short as Sex in the City's opening credits started. As soon as the opening scene started, I knew I had already seen that episode. I turned off the NYC show, I already knew that story...

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