Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dallas Margarita Ball

I had long heard that charity events are huge in Dallas and I was excited to experience one first hand when one of M's employees got us tickets to the Dallas Margarita Ball, rumored to be the largest invite-only ball in the country. It was intense! Over the top dresses, big hair and 3 FLOORS of celebration with dancing, casino games, silent auctions, even pole dancers! The best part was that it was all for a good cause and raised a ton of money and attendees brought what literally turned into a mountain of gifts. Such a great time, even with someone spilling their margarita all over me. :-)

Who doesn't like getting dolled up every once in awhile?

One of the many silent auction areas

Did I mention it was crowded? THREE floors of this!

No, none of these are ours, but Mark was eager to
pose with the fancy cars parked out front.

Couldn't fit the whole mountain of toys in the pic,
there was even a whole bunch of bikes!!

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