Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Bouncing from Pittsburgh to Florida and back to Texas was quite a whirlwind over this long weekend but well worth it! I know what you're thinking: Pittsburgh's not on the way to Florida! But I had a very good reason. K, who I had been close to since I was 4, had recently gotten engaged. Shortly after receiving her rock, she bestowed me the honor of being her maid of honor. I was so excited! Well, this past weekend was a big get together of the bridesmaids with K, and I was going to miss it because I had to go to Florida to help clean out my grandparents' condo since it had been sold. Little did K know, but I had planned a secret stoppover in Pittsburgh on the way!

Late Friday, I flew to Pittsburgh where my best male friend, B, picked me up. I stayed up with him and his girlfriend talking into the late hours. In the morning, the three of us went to brunch. There was a wait for a table so I sat down in the waiting area, my back to the door. B stood facing me. Before I knew it, B yelled "D, K's parents are walking in!" I didn't believe him at first but once his expression made it clear he was serious, I ran to the bathroom to hide. Luckily, they were turned off by the waiting list and ended up turning around and going somewhere else. What a close call!

After brunch, I met with another close friend of mine, C. We hung out and laughed until our faces hurt.

Before I knew it, it was time for the surprise! Another bridesmaid drove me to K's. I waited on the porch for her to tell K that there was a surprise outside. I could hear K scream through the door, "Is Deana out there?!?!!" before the bridesmaid even had the chance to egg her on. I came right in and we were all just so excited! It seemed K wasn't as surprised as I had guessed she would be but I was even happier because of her reason why, "I knew deep down that there was a chance you would do this. You're just that kind of person." I have the best friends. We all had a good laugh at how the surprise was almost ruined at breakfast earlier and had a wonderful day with the bridesmaids, bride and mothers of the bride and groom. We even ended up turning the dress shopping on K and she ended up picking out her gown that she later bought. The night ended with BYOB bowling to celebrate some of the girls' birthdays.

That day was seriously the best day I had had in months. Being around people that mean that much to me and laughing and just feeling that warmth, it's something that just can't be duplicated. It even made me think, and I never thought I'd think this or admit it, that I'd rather move back to Pittsburgh than stay where I currently live.

My boyfriend M met me in Florida Sunday morning and we had a productive visit, although sadly not as productive as we had hoped since both my aunt and M needed taken to urgent care units for various ailments. Luckily, both recovered quickly and we still got to spend some time visiting Grandma and reminiscing about times gone by through old pictures we discovered in the condo.

We returned to Texas Tuesday night.

What an amazing weekend.

Surprise! I made it! :-)

Grandma & I

In 2009, the last happy visit (before Grandpa was taken to the hospital) that I had with my grandparents,
Grandpa had me take some photos of them.
When Mark and I visited the condo one last time to help clean it out, I couldn't help but sort of recreate that picture with him.
I wish these two important men in my life could have met.

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