Friday, August 12, 2011

First Attempt At Moving: Epic Fail

What a frustrating day. Last night I had found out that I could get the street blocked off through the Hoboken traffic utility for the moving truck, excellent! (My reoccurring concern about this move was that the movers were not going to be able to find parking.) So I went down to the traffic utility early, soon after it opened to get a pass. They needed to know how big the truck was. Okay, not hard, just call the movers right? So I thought... It turned out my phone wasn't working and the movers couldn't hear me. My fabulous boyfriend came to the rescue and called them to discover it's a SIXTY TWO FOOT TRUCK?! Uh oh. I returned to the parking utility to find out that that sized truck was too big to park anywhere in Hoboken. This would be a problem. I found a pay phone, (apparently a few of these still exist?) and tried again to call the movers. And, of course, the pay phone was broken. Mark called them again and we found out that it in fact was only a 26 foot truck. Wonderful! Back to the parking utility. Unfortunately, that size is still too big to park on the street in front of my apartment (which is metered and you only need a 2hr heads up to block off.) It would fit on the side street though. But, since that is not a metered street, a 72 hour advance is required. Seriously?? They suggested I put out courtesy signs available on their website and cross my fingers... After all this running around, I get snacks and drinks for the movers and let in Mark's amazing father, Keith, who had graciously offered to stay in my apartment and let the movers in while I returned to the photography class I was enrolled in this week.

I return to class and watch my phone. And watch it. No lights, no nothing. Not a peep. For hours. Then, 5 hours after Keith had arrived at my apartment, I received a call from the movers. They couldn't find parking and would have to reschedule. (I guess my neighbors weren't so "courteous" after all... More likely, they were all already at work and weren't even home to see the signs...) And the person that will reschedule my move wouldn't be back in the office until Sunday. WHAT?! I called Keith and thanked him and felt awful that he waited there for nothing. I then proceeded to freak out. How am I going to get my stuff to Texas? Is this all a sign that I shouldn't be going? I was so glad I had been cautious and planned the move for a week prior to when I was flying there so I had plenty of time to figure out a plan B, but at the time all I could think was "I'm screwed".

I returned to Hoboken to sit on my stoop until someone opened the door to let me in, (I was locked out because I had Keith leave my keys on the mat outside my apartment door and my phone decided to die again so I couldn't reach my roommate.)

What a terribly frustrating day.

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