Sunday, August 14, 2011

Things Are Looking Up: A Tearful Goodbye at Church & Movers Rescheduled

Today was so much better than frustrating Friday.

I started my day at church and was surprised when I was called up to the front following the prayers. Pastor had written a heartfelt goodbye, with such personal things as mentioning Rwanda, Haiti, and my cake pops that they "will miss so much." A tear rolled down my face. She handed me the microphone to reply and I did the best I could to thank them for the amazing impact they had had on my life over the past few years. Following her blessing was the exchange of peace and as I walked back down the aisle, I was greeted by my friend Courtney, in tears. We bawled and hugged right there in the aisle. It was so sad and genuine and I felt like it was hitting me that much deeper, this was really happening and THIS is what it means.

Walking back from church, I felt like after spending all weekend freaking out about the move, I was starting to bounce back. It's like I had to reach my low to start to come back from it. And I was starting to feel better about everything.

When I got home, I called the mover and they were able to reschedule for this Friday, August 19th in the afternoon, right when I'd be back from work. Perfect.

Maybe things are going to work out after all. :-) Things are looking up. Six more days... The countdown begins. Tomorrow, I start my final week at!


  1. Don't even get me STARTED again! The tears just sprang to my eyes as Pastor Mary started talking about you. It became...real. Very, very real.

    Actually, I don't think I ever told you this (and of course, now I'm telling you it in a public blog comment!), but my first jolt of reality was when I dropped something off at your apartment the night before the (first attempted) move. You were bleary eyed and exhausted and rambling on about the move, and my eyes flickered to the darkened apartment, the red tape marking items to take, and very suddenly, your leaving become real. It knocked the wind out of me, quickly, as I realized just how much you mean to me, and how much the hurt will be when you're gone. But in the same instant, I realized what joy and adventures you have ahead of you, and an overwhelming sense of happiness warmed me.

    What amazing times are ahead of you - and I'm so glad you're going to experience them. ...and that we can too, via the blog. ;)


  2. Court,

    Awwww thanks!! SO sweet!! And haha yes I was definitely rambling, largely because I had many of the same emotions going through my head!

    Love you too!
