Sunday, August 28, 2011

Homesick for... Hurricanes?

Most of my weekend's actions are meaningless because all of my weekend's thoughts were centered on Hurricane Irene. During a time where I find myself more homesick than I probably have ever been, within the first week of leaving NYC/NJ, that area has experienced an EARTHQUAKE and now a HURRICANE?!! It's positively surreal to think about and absolutely heart wrenching to be this far away. I know there's nothing I could do to help my loved ones and much-loved places if I was there, but it was hard to feel so helpless and slightly guilty for being half way across the country during NYC/NJ's time of need.

Luckily, everyone evacuated and came through okay. I was so relieved. :-)

The highlight of the weekend was Friday night when my friends Skyped me in to a dinner party. It's so great when I Skype with friends. It makes me feel more a part of their lives and like I'm almost there.

I miss everyone so much and am so glad everyone is okay.

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